FBC Kids

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Weekly Activities

  • Our nursery, for children birth-2 years old, is available every Sunday and Wednesday, during our regularly scheduled activities. Your child will be taken care of by one of our volunteers who have been trained and background checked.

  • Sundays: 9:45-12:00
    We have two Sunday School classes, for our preschool aged kids. These are creatively focused teaching times where the children learn more about who Jesus is. We offer an extended session for those that aren’t ready to sit through our worship service.

    For those that do attend our worship service, we have a short children’s sermon, roughly 15 minutes into the service, and then those kids will be dismissed to Children’s Church for additional activities and learning opportunities.

    Wednesday: 6:30-7:30
    During our Midweek activities we have Missions Friends and Cheerful Cherubs for our Preschoolers. They will sing songs, ring bells, hear stories of missionaries, and learn about the truths of their identity in Christ.

  • Sundays: 9:45-10:45
    We have Sunday School classes for Grades 1-2 and Grades 3-5. These classes are focusing on teaching more about the story of scripture through engaging lessons with creative outlets.

    Wednesdays: 6:30-7:30
    During our Midweek activities, our school aged children participate in what we call C3, which stands for Children’s Christ Connection. This time they spend time singing worship songs, playing games, learning about missionaries and about scripturally based truths about their Identity in Christ.